Window In the Skies devotion
The shackles are undone
The bullets quit the gun
The heat that's in the sun
Will keep us when there's none
The rule has been disproved
The stone it has been moved
The grave is now a groove
All debts are removed
“Window In the Skies”, U218 Singles, 2006
And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
Colossians 2:13-15
No lyric by U2 states the amazing gift of grace bestowed upon us more than this one. Every time I listen to this song I start to well up with tears. These lyrics are what it is all about…JESUS IS RISEN, and because of that, he has the power to save you and me!
I would venture to guess that you have heard that before. In some ways, I wonder if we all hear that and think “that’s nice”, but does it truly penetrate our souls? I hope it will. Bono seems to really get the gravity of what Christ did for us when he sings, “the grave is now a groove, all debts are removed.” Outside of God’s work on the cross, there was no hope; death had the final word. Deep down, whether we believe Scripture or not, we all know that our decisions and actions have consequences. It should be no surprise then that Scripture says our sin has grave consequences with regard to our relationship with God. Scripture says that sin results in death, and complete separation from God. Given our perpetual nature of sin, that paints a pretty bleak picture.
In Matthew 25, Jesus talks about sheep and goats, and he describes how the goats will be sent into the eternal fire. Jesus describes there what it means to be a sheep on the right of him or a goat on the left. I would venture to say, if we are honest with ourselves, we will realize that oftentimes we find ourselves way to the left of Jesus. This scripture in Matthew 25 is pretty darn scary when I examine the rampant sin in my life. However, we have a scapegoat; Jesus became the sin offering and died with all our sins placed on HIS shoulders. He died with those sins, and HE suffered the consequences in our place. HE endured the complete separation from God, and that is abundantly clear when he cried out in anguish, “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) Jesus died, with our sins, but that was not the end. The grave was supposed to be hopeless; the grave was supposed to be the end, BUT HE ROSE FROM THE GRAVE! He rose, and instead of the grave causing despair, it is now a groove, a source of unfathomable joy. The stone has been moved, and all debts are removed. Let that sink in. We have committed, and commit every day, offenses that should eternally separate us from God, yet Jesus interceded on our behalf to apply our sins to his record. Then, he conquered sin and death by rising from grave! That is AMAZING! Thanks be to God!
Paul states this succinctly in Colossians 2:13-15: “God made us alive together with Him.” God “set aside our sins and nailed them to the cross with Jesus.” We were similarly given true life, eternal life with Christ. Sin was supposed lead us to death, but God triumphed over death, and made us alive with him. The Jewish and Roman authorities thought they had the final word. They though that they had the power to put an end to Jesus, but he is the end, he is the Omega. Jesus triumphed over sin and death, and it “put them to open shame.” Hallelujah!
Sin and death were the “legal demand”, but HE died in our place, HE removed our debts, HE moved the stone, HE triumphed over sin, and now we are made alive with him. I pray that his power, and the undeserving grace he has given you and me, will penetrate our souls and lead us to genuine thanksgiving for that incredible gift. I pray that our response will be to live as his enduring sheep, and as a testimony to his incredible grace for us.
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